July 8-12 | 6 pm- 8:30 pm

What a mess vbs!

Join us for the best week of summer July 8-12 for VBS at Tates Creek Christian Church!!

Jesus loves messy people! That’s good news for us because we all have our own mess. Through this FUN week, we will explore how we can deal with our messes! There will be LOTS of messy fun, with messy games, crafts, and more! Throughout the week we will look at the following questions: 

  • Why is the world such a messy place? 
  • How does Jesus respond to our messiest moments?
  • How should we respond to our messes? 
  • What does Jesus do about our messes? 

Child Registration

Looking to volunteer at VBS this year? Fill out the form below to get signed-up! 


Contact our Children's Director, Dawn Vela, with any questions!